the museum can be entered by the redesigned columns that have elevator integrated. this should symbolize the ascending into heaven which was an often used motive in the christian faith.

a giant funnel-like atrium pierces vertically through the building to reminisce about the baroque motive of the urge of infinite space

in contrast to the absolutistic attitude in the baroque era, my building emphasizes equality and pluralism. every place in the museum is as important as any other. visual axes are essential in my concept. to ensure the merging of baroque and digital art, the visitors always have to have both art forms in their minds

the cathedral square was revitalized by placing a stage and a stand for spectators in front of the building to create a new venue in innsbruck. once a visitor steps in the elevator to enter the building, the journey begins. first of all you arrive in the entrance hall which gives a first impression of what’s to come. the exhibitions take place in several boxes, whereat each of the boxes is either a baroque exhibition or a digital exhibition. it’s a journey through the “old” and the “new” and so the two art forms merge.

bachelor thesis

the moha

SNØHETTA | institute for design | studio2

christian hämmerle, andreas glatzl

3rd year bachelor - 2018/19


my project emphasizes the rethinking of old structures and hierarchies. the main idea is a transformation of the ancient architectural elements with the help of digital tools in order to generate the soft threshold from analog to digital. the “new” always grows out of the “old”; the romans used ancient greek architectural elements and etruscan arcs as well as the early christian basilica dates from roman buildings. there would be no cupola in florence and no hagia sophia without the pantheon.

t h e m u s e u m o f h y b r i d a r t s

in the course of research about the baroque era and christianity in general, I came across a very interesting statistic about people leaving roman catholic church in austria. in the year 2018 there were about 58.300 people leaving church. that’s an increase of approximately 9% on 2017, which means the number continues to rise annually. based on this i set up a scenario, in which the church becomes totally unimportant and the city of innsbruck buys the cathedral of st. james and transforms it into a, by the artist community of innsbruck long-demanded, museum of modern art. as i wanted to keep the soft threshold from analog to digital, the idea of the moha arose. it is a museum in which baroque art and digital art merge, whereat the baroque art form with its illusionistic paintings symbolizes the “old” and the digital art form represents the “new”. these two arts are not only connected by their urge of visualizing the supernatural, also the blurring of real space and fictional space plays an important role.

in the first step i analyzed the cathedral
with all its architectural elements

in the third step i transformed the baroque columns by digitally manipulating them to generate a new form

in the second step i extracted the baroque columns of st. james cathedral

the fourth and final step was to design a new building on the basis of the ancient cathedral


A Cape Left Behind