bachelor course
a cape left behind
institute for experimental architecture | studio3
ferdinand fritz
3rd year bachelor - 2018/19
what happened here?
three interjections - intuitively brought to paper - transfered – drawn
- overlaid - fit into each other - abstracted - alienated - transformed
into collages - a red veil - it pulls through - shows up over and
over - dynamic, movement in picture - what is it? - it flies through
the clouds- fast - unstoppable - fades slowly in the background
a superhero awakes...
he arises out of the drawing plane - into the third dimension - he’s on his
beat arount the orbit - elements digitized - copied - repeated - merged -
distorted - multiplied - a dreamworld arises - the hero and his stage - but
where is he? the cosmos - it seems to implode - collapsing- objects collapse,
break - fold into each other - where is he? - the hero lost - anywhere in
the cosmos - only one colored legacy - torn - shows him and his actions.