master design studio 1
super high-res assembly
institute for experimental architecture | hochbau
marjan colletti, peter massin, galo moncayo
2nd year master - 2020/21
we live in a world full of scripted spaces and illusion, a world stuffed with screens and mobile devices showing us mystery and delusion. information of all kind is constantly pouring down on us, whereat it is hard to identify which of it is true or false. human beings get hijacked into realms in which they think they can decide on their own of where to go or what to do, but in fact, all of these spaces, whether physical, digital or virtual, are scripted. everything is designed to keep people on certain predetermined paths. there is almost no difference to what the catholic church did in earlier times, for example in the baroque era. the only thing that is different is the one that in the course of digitization these illusions and scripted spaces were transferred into the digital world. based on this context, the project tries to unfold the fact that through the centuries solely the methods of manipulating space have changed, however, the basic idea still remains the same. the aim is to showcase the digital and media manipulation with the help of the baroque, which marked a milestone in the field of trompe l’oeil architecture. baroque elements and spaces will be digitally edited and assembled to create a plot full of illusion and mesmerization inside a new context. the result of these processes will be a juxtaposition of the old and the new and will be enhanced by evaluating and eventually integrating cultural objects of our time to charge the project not only tectonically, but also under the consideration of the fine arts.
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