bachelor - design studio 1

the assemblage of everything

institute for experimental architecture | hochbau

marjan colletti, peter massin

1st year bachelor - 2015/16


“the assemblage of everything - processes of materializing architecture“ aims to thematize two challenges in contemporary architecture discourse. on the one hand the engagement with the homogenous digital production of architecture and on the other hand the heterogenous construction in the process of materializing buildings. the assembling of different materials and production processes are crucial. through various techniques like 2D/3D drawings, analog model building, laser cutting and 3d printing, we accessed modern technologies and payed attention to the points of intersection between different constructions, spaces and materials. we built an “assemblage”, which consisted of individual elements that were combined. the final exhibition model can be seen in different scales, as a city model, a building complex, as a facade study or as a 1:1 prototype of a performative building element.


Super High-Res Assembly


Piscina Mirabilis